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What IS a "SIP Trunking"?
Back in the days of Land-line telephony, when all phone calls went over the PSTN, businesses would purchase “trunk's” – a dedicated line or a bundle of circuits – from their service provider. Today, we have adapted the concept of “trunking” to the IP enabled landscape resulting in lower telephony costs and rapid return on investment (ROI) plus the opportunity for enhanced communications both within the enterprise and with vendors, customers and partners.
A SIP trunk is a service offered by an ITSP to use SIP to set up communications between an enterprise PBX and the ITSP. A trunk includes multiple voice sessions – as many as the enterprise needs. While some see SIP as just voice, SIP trunking can also serve as the starting point for the entire breadth of real-time communications possible with the protocol, including Instant Messaging, presence applications, white boarding and application sharing.


SIP Trunking Benefits


Instantly, incrementally and infinitely scale your business communications as demand dictates.

Simplify and Consolidate

Bring all of your communication needs into one location with one bill and one point of contact. Choose DIDs from anywhere in the country and serve them to the central PBX simply and efficiently

Disaster recovery

Disaster recovery is faster and more efficient through the use of our partners IP network’s distributed architecture. Our trunking features reside not at the customer’s premise. Therefore, in the event of a disaster, calls can be easily redirected to another unaffected location.

Frequently Asked Questions

How reliable are SIP trunks and VOIP?

The major benefit of the internet is there is no single point of failure. our partners equipment based in separate locations; should one connection fail the call can be automatically routed to an alternative location. SIP service has reliability comparable with traditional phone lines.

Are emergency services supported by SIP?

Yes, emergency services are supported by SIP.

Why Us?

While there are many SIP providers in the US, our SIP partners leads the way for business customers with PBXs using multiple trunks. We have tested extensively with PBX manufacturers and can provide a smooth transition to SIP.

What do I need to get started?

You need a broadband internet connection, such as ADSL, T-1, Fiber, or Cable

Can we keep our old number with SIP?

Yes, your existing telephone numbers can be ported.

What telephone number will we be given?

New numbers can be ordered if required. You can select which area code you would like, so that you can have a local number.


Contact us for any question or to get a proposal for our SIP/VoIP Services